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China in our eyes—overseas students’ photography contest was organized by International Education College

Norwaystudent NORAAS,ANDREAS ULDAL won the first prize in the contest

AKenyastudent is appreciating the photos in the show windows

The first prize photography work: Tea Amour in Ancient City by NORAAS,ANDREAS ULDAL fromNorway

The second prize photography work: Pavilion by GITONGA ,CATHERINE WANJIKU fromKenya

The second prize photography work: Dragon Boat by Satybaldiyeva, Tursyngul fromKazakhstan

The third prize photography work: Rise the Red Lantern by OESTVANG, EIVIND TRAAVIK fromNorway

The third prize photography work: Nanjing Olympic Stadium Center by GACHUGI,WILFRED GITHUKA fromKenya

The third prize photography work: Lion and me by JOAN, EMMAH WANGARI fromKenya
